Monday, March 30, 2009

I Think I'm Going To Write A Book

I have just (within the past 3 minutes) decided that I am going to write a book. I don't know what it's going to be about. Here's how the process is going to work. When I feel inspired I'll go write a few lines. I'll let it become what it wants to become. Kind of like a sculptor allowing the piece of rock to make itself into what it wants to become. So check back in about 10 years and maybe it'll be done.


Brian Miller said...

ok, it's been about 9 hours, how far you got?

Scott757 said...

Ummm...about 1.5 paragraphs.

Rob said...

Good luck. Can I write one of those reviews that they stick in the front of many books? I promise I'll say nice things.

Sean said...

Dont forget to think the CG people that are cheering you on. Let me know how it goes with saving the world and all.