Monday, April 26, 2010

Sometimes, in order to keep the peace, decisions are made.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Something I am Involved In: Dear Tea Party People

Dear Tea Party People,

I have to write you a letter of concern at this point. You see, I have heard many of you talk a lot about fiscal responsibility, limited government and original-intent constitutionalism. But I have a few questions:

1. (and most importantly) Where were you guys for the 8 years that George Bush and the Republicans were in office? Those dudes spent a ton of money on big government stuff (see No Child Left behind), passed big government legislation (see The Patriot Act), encroached on our personal rights (see The Patriot Act again), expanded the reach of government and government run programs (see Medicare and once again The Patriot Act), and did things that were completely outside the confines of original-intent Constitutional interpretation (see...dare I say it...both Wars.  Since Article 1 Section 8 Line 11ish says Congress not the President has the power to declare war and Congress does not have the power to give The President the power to declare it.  Go read up on some Jefferson to see what he thought about the power of one man to send a nation to war.). Why was there no Tea Party for this?

2. Why did most of you mock and scorn us for voting for Ron Paul only to start preaching his message a few months later?

3. ('s just me re-stating #1) Why is it only now that a Democrat is in office that these things became important to you?

I bring these up out of concern that you may have not thoroughly vetted your cause. Sometimes you seem a little disingenuous.  And until these critical points are addressed, with some seriousness, it is going to be hard for me to take you seriously. Also, a little civility would go a long way. If you believe so much in the ideas of the founding fathers, it may do you a little good to study their style of debating and discourse. It might actually get you some new followers. Well, that's all for now. Good night and good luck.


What Happened?

I removed my original "What Happened?" post because I realized that I'm not really involved enough to make such grandiose statements. I may or may not be right...but since not actively in it...I'm not going to start point fingers. Because even if it is true...who am I?

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Rites of Spring

Good morning all.  As the chill of winter is blowing away we are left with the hopes of the spring weather that is come.  In celebration of this I present Rites of Spring...