Saturday, April 23, 2011

Does All Knowledge of God Ultimately Come From the Bible?

For Christians,

If we are suppose to test all ideas about God against the Bible, does that mean that all we know about God ultimately come from the Bible?

Let's see where we can get with this. 

Friday, April 22, 2011

What my day looks PHP

$time = 9;

echo "This is what my Friday will look military time of course.";

while($time <= 17)
    if($time != 12 && $time != 17)
        echo "At ".$time.":00 I am writing code.";
    if($time == 12)
        echo "It's ".$time.":00...LUNCH TIME!!!!";
    if($time == 17)
        echo "It's ".$time.":00...QUITTING TIME!!1!";

Monday, April 11, 2011


One of the most important parts of believing in any theological or belief system is faith.  Faith, by definition, requires no reasoning.  It is not rational.  It's believing in something for the sake of belief.  So the practice of apologetics seems contradictory.  It seems to cancel faith.  Putting your faith in a sure thing isn't faith.  Faith is believing in something because it calls to your irregardless of reason.  To rationalize faith is to not have faith.

Wonder what kind of responses I'm going to get.