Monday, January 12, 2009

An Early Morning Encounter of the Grumpy Kind

So now that I am paying for a Y membership I have to go. Normally I would just go at night around 7:30 or 8:00. However, I am not normal nor is my schedule. This week school has started again. So I am going to the gym in the morning. When I say I am going in the morning, don't be fooled. I went this morning. So in my "I can't believe I'm not at home, in my chair, reading, and drinking coffee" stupor, behold, I see a Rob Sheppard. He's one of the few people from our new church who I've met, and not only met, I actually like. But at that hour and in that situation, I was not in top form. Normally I would be down to discuss things of importance like the possible spirituality of aliens, or the wonders of the yoga ball, or even football. But nope, he gets none of that. So Rob, next time we meet I will try to on top of my game. Unless that meeting is at the gym in the morning again. In which case I'll just go ahead and apologize ahead of time.

In other news, I started class tonight. When I say class I don't mean something fun like Object Oriented Programming, or History of the Mongoose in Eastern Europe, I mean Calculus 2. Oh, the horrors. Well...maybe not. My professors seemed like a nice enough person, and having taught for 31 years, he seems to understand how to teach the students. But, most importantly, he's got a great New York accent. Not Yiddish, but maybe a little. Last semester my saving grace was a great study partner. I've already gotten a few people interested in a Thursday night study group. But I'm not certain if they are the "ride or die" type, to put it in the modern vernacular. But we'll soon find out.

1 comment:

Brian Miller said...

haha. good job keeping with the work out routine. good luck in calculus as well. yuck!