Saturday, March 28, 2009

Oh Geez...Muse...Where Did You Go?

I'm so uninspired. I got nothing for you. I could post new music videos...which I might by the time I'm done writing this. I could wax political...which I won't because I'm just not pissed off right now about anything that I haven't already covered...more articulately than I could do right now. So if you came here looking for political rants feel free to look back. They are there. I could post some awesome album art which I don't think...wait...

...Dinosaur Jr. released the first
pics of their new album art.
It's awesome. Even if I wasn't super fan-boy then I'd probably buy this just for the cover. But since I am...I'm going to buy it because Dinosaur Jr. is awesome.

In other news I've been "vaguely veg" for a week now. I've eaten some good things. I've eaten some not so good things. I think my favorite thing for lunch so far has been the apple, cheddar, honey mustard sandwich. Which by the way I'm going to have again today.
I found You (muse that is)
I'm going to write on something controversial. I was flipping channels this morning and I came across a documentary on the "Pregnant Guy" that's airing on Discovery Health. You know...born, kind of, female...decided to undergo gender treatment to live as a guy...but never had the sex organs changed. So then got pregnant because his wife couldn't. Yea...him. Well, I'm not going to discuss what I think about him. But what I am going to discuss is the guy who called him and left a message on his cell phone saying that if he doesn't ask God to forgive him then he is going to burn in the fires of hell. Then went on to say that what he is doing is absolutely disgusting. I would like to remind this guy that Jesus treated the woman caught in adultery the same way. Jesus...being the judgemental, condemning figure that he was stood back and cheer the pharisee's on as they stoned her to death.


Come again?

Oh yea...Jesus didn't do either of those. Didn't Jesus save her life? Didn't Jesus stop them, then remind them that no one is perfect?

(sorry no videos. only cool cover art and reminder that if you are going to call yourself Christian you should probably try acting like Christ. Oh snap...all of sudden I'm reminded of my own faults. *sigh* Such is the way. )


Brian Miller said...

nice. how we treat people will have a big impact on how well they listen. love goes a long way. it does not condone, but...

BetnyNonnie said...

Jesus loves that man having a baby. Plain and simple.

Rob said...

Great post. That phone call is sad.