Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Stop Making A Living and Start Living

I was listening to Tony Campolo the other day and he said something to the effect of "You don't have to make a living, you have to start living." Oh...such music to my ears. I'm so fed up with everyone else's ideals of how my life must go. I spend so much of my time doing things I don't enjoy and not enough doing the things I do enjoy. But if you bring that up you get responses like "that's life kid" or "suck it only gets worse from here". But I don't accept those realities. It won't be that way unless you allow it to be. So right now I spend a ton of time at work and at school. What would I rather be doing you might ask? Well, I'd rather be playing music two nights a week and the other 5 spent with my wife, friends and family. I feel very distant from everything. I think it's time I start living again. Well...Dr. Campolo said to walk out of your job if that's what you feel you have to do. But I'm not going to be that drastic. But starting next week I'm going back to the Call Center at the Credit Union where I'll be working full time until July. But come July...oh sweet month of mid summer-dom...I will be cutting my hours at work to 20/wk. Then come August I'm going to ODU full time. I can't wait for change in my life. Do you ever just want something to change? I do. I start feeling restless. I start getting bored. I start feeling like where I'm at is only holding me back. Well I've felt like that for six years. SIX YEARS!!! I can't believe that I have been so complacent and unmotivated that I have let that much time go by. But just because the past six haven't really been what I would have hoped that is no reason to piss away the next six. Change has come...says President Obama...For you and me both buddy...says I. And for me it's time to start living again.


Brian Miller said...

good thoughts buddy. i wish you well as you "start living"!

Rob said...

Good thoughts. Isn't it true though that sometimes to get to where you want to be you have to wade through some crap?

Sean said...

That should go in your book too. Anyway I feel like that alot only for the last eight years. When this enlistment is over I am going to start living too. Just one more year!!

Jessie M. said...

and i'll do my part to help you start living!!!

however... you have to finish ODU before you try to talk me into moving to the mountains!

mary-el!z. said...

i think a lot of people need to start living life and see the beauty of it. so i think this was a smart post :) good luck!