Thursday, January 8, 2009

Oh Geez

Ok guys. Here's the deal. I've got really bad heart problems on both sides of my family. That said, I'm a touch over weight. Last year I made an attempt to give up fast food...well...all the burger and taco places at least (I allowed Chic Fil A and Subway). I made it until November without buying any. So this year I'm going I am going to do it again only this time I am adding 7-11 food to the list. Seven days down 349 more to go. Also, Jess and I are about to leave to go join the YMCA. Yea, I said it. We are going to join the Y. If you don't hear back from me later, know that I went down in blaze of uncordinated, out-of-shape, glory.

1 comment:

Kim said...

I have faith in you scott! You can do it!