Saturday, February 28, 2009

There Is Always Going To Be Some Backlash

So yesterday I was listening to certain Libertarian radio talk show host, who isn't really much of a Libertarian, except that he thinks drugs should be legalized and homosexual marriage should be legal. Other than that, this certain person comes down on the side of the Republicans pretty much every time. Well, I heard him talking about the socialization of America. I've also heard other Republican talk show hosts say the same thing. Well I wrote this as a response to those various shows. Enjoy. If you are a Republican who falls along these lines, I would really go read the Constitution and the Founding Fathers first, then respond second.

I have a real hard time listening to a talk show host complain about how we (the U.S.) are being taken over by Socialists and/or Communists, when a few years ago they had no problem when the Socialist and/or Communist programs came from a Republican Administration. Where were these people when the Patriot Act was passed? The Patriot Act completely ignores the 4th Amendment, which says that we (any U.S. Citizen) has the right (see my earlier blog on rights) to not be searched or have our property seized without a warrant from a judge. This would include wire tapping and the unwarranted surveillance of emails. Or how about when President Bush and the Congress completely ignored Article 1 Section 8 and gave the power to declare war to one man. The power to declare war is specifically given to a body of people so that one person would not wield that much power and since Iraq posed no immediate threat to us, one man should not, Constitutionally and morally speaking, have had the power to declare war. So it's really hard for me to listen to these Republican talk show hosts complain about the new Administration's breaking of the constitution when they did not complain about their boy doing it and to top it off, they encouraged it. It would appear that the Constitution only means something when it's being used to stop the Democrats. In fact the other day I heard one of them say that a certain former President loved the Constitution so much that he completely ignored/broke it to save the Country. So if you want to know why I'm so angry at the Republicans? That's why. It's ridiculous that now that a Democrat is in power they all of a sudden remembered their conservatism. G.O.P. = Grand Old Party Grandstanding On the Potomac or... (if you want to know the other one you'll have to ask and leave your email). But it was all done for my own protection...right?

"Those who are willing to sacrifice their basic liberties to assure their security deserve neither."- Benjamin Franklin


Brian Miller said...

wow! nice rant. i was feeling very similar on my drive home from roanoke yesterday listening to talk radio. i am unsure why i do as it seems to affect my blood temperature. as long as our candidate wins, we support, when they don't we wish they fail. a wish for failure on the part of leadership is not acceptable to me. it does more than affect the next election and carries much greater ramifications. pray and support your leader, this takes great humility, but is what we are called to.

Scott757 said...

Yes. When I hear Rush Limbaugh tell his audience that he wants to see Obama fail because it will prove how superior his version of conservatism is, I get really pissed off. Becuase I know that there are people listening to hims that will reflect them same attitude. The big difference is Limbaugh makes like $300 mil/year. If the country fails, he's still set. Really...I mean, I'm kind of this Jeffersonian Constitutionalist in my political veiws and basically disagree with a lot of what Obama does. But I don't wish him to fail. We just disagree. If he fails..we all fail. It makes me want to go smack my head on a fortified, aged piece of maple. But...this goes to the Democrats...just because I strongly disagree with Mr. Limbaugh, I don't wish to see you bring back the Fairness Doctrine as a way to force him off the air.