Thursday, March 12, 2009

Does This Mean I'm Old Now

I'm officially 28 now. Phew...made it through another year. When do I get my cane?


Jessie M. said...

you are too ridiculous!

no cane for you...I'll buy you a motor scooter! (cause it matches your name!)

Rob said...

To some people you are old. For example if you were to ask most elementary school kids or middle school students how old they thought you were they would something crazy like 48. I play this game often with the middle school students and they all think I'm 40 something. To them anything close to 30 is dirt old. You are also too old to begin your Jedi training. You should have started that when you were in elementary school.

However to a lot of other people you haven't even hit the prime of your life. You are way to young to be a president. If you started a company right now everyone would say you were a ninja for being so young. To those who wear depends and can't control their poo you are a young whipper snapper. It's depends on the persons perspective.

Brian Miller said...

not sure if i missed it but happy birthday! you are only as old as you think you are.

David Ferrell said...

psssh, dude! You're young at heart and young in spirit. I think you're quite young still.