"Never trust people who smile all the time. They are either hiding something or never question the important things in life. Either way it will eventually lead to something bad."
Word Of The Day:
What does it mean and can you use it in a sentence?
What does it mean and can you use it in a sentence?
hmmm....interesting question you pose. i always heard don't trust people that smile b/c they probably just passed gas. ok, jk. i don't know. maybe they tend to look at life through new and refreshing eyes. i tend to look at what comes out of the mouth more than the mouth it self in determining trust.
i smile all the time and i am the most trustworthy person ever. So i think it's crazy. I smile because i'm happy and life is so great no matter how you look at it. Bad things can happen in life but why fret. No need :)
1.ostentatious in one's learning.
2.overly concerned with minute details or formalisms, esp. in teaching.
A writer has a pedantic attention to details.
2 words: Joel Osteen.
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