Sunday, December 12, 2010

Making Music as I Get Older

There's a terrible bias that the young have against the old.  It's assumed that playing in bands and making music is just a phase that you'll grow out of when you "grow up".  If you are dedicated to your craft and it really isn't a "phase" but part of who you are, then your music should get better as your get older.  You gain more life experience to pull from.  You'll have heard more music.  There's no reason why the music you make at 40 isn't better than the music you make at 30 which should be better than the music you make at 20.   It should follow your life curve. 

I'm turning 30 this year and this is something I'm having to deal with.  I ask myself "you're 30...why are you still playing music?"  The answer...I don't think I cannot play music.  I went for 3 years without playing and I wasn't the same.  I didn't know who I was.  I played poker a lot.  I ate a lot.  I felt lost.  Then I picked it up and here I am.  Making some of the best music I've ever made.  When I'm turning 40 and still making awesome music I hope I can look back over the past decade of music and see how it's followed my life.  

Let the ringing in my ear never stop.


Derrick O said...

keep making music as long as you can.

Frink said...

keep on truckin' dude. "growing up" is for people who think it's what they should do.

ringing ears are a blessing.

Frink said...

ps - this:

Jr. said...

Hey, maybe you are right, but i think that when you are young you have more fresh ideas.
Well, in the other hand many artists have demostrated that as they get older they play better music.

Let the music floooow

Give a look to argentinian music (you won´t understand my language, but at least watch the videos):