"Time goes by so slowly" sung the Righteous Brothers. "The Times They Are a Changin" sang Dylan. Well...they most certainly are. In two months what I have known for the past six years of my life goes away and I step into a new chapter in my life. Despite my feelings of unease with my job, I have to admit that I'm comfortable there. It's a miserable comfort, but comfort none the less. But as the song goes "I'm just not comfortable with comfort", that's how life works, the old goes away and the new comes in to fill the void. The old for me being my job at the Credit Union. The new, being a full time student. So I embrace this change, even though I am a little nervous about it. I'm nervous because there are so many questions..."what if I can't pass?"..."what if I choose the wrong major and end up with debt and another job I don't like?"..."what if I spontaneously combust my first day of class and the professor knows me as that guy who spontaneously combusted on the first day of class?" I know a lot of people who are miserable, however since they are comfortable they don't mind. They are content to complain but do nothing to change their misery. I've long since made up my mind that that won't be me. I only have one life...I'm going to try and live it without regret. So with all this said I've scheduled my classes, I've gotten my financial aid, and I've met with my adviser. Behold, here is the schedule of my change...
CS300 Computers in Society Monday/Wednesday 4:20-5:35
ARTH121A Intro to Visual Arts Monday 7:10-9:50
STAT330 Intro to Probability and Statistics Tuesday/Thursday 9:30-10:45
CS150 Problem Solving and Programming I Lecture Tuesday/Thursday 5:45-7:00
CS150 Problem Solving and Programming I Lab Wednesday 9:00-11:30
CS150 Problem Solving and Programming I Recitation Friday 9:00-9:50
being known for spontaneous combustion may not be a bad thing...it will be a blast!
ooo..problem solving...are you going to be a sleuth? Scott the Sleuth..."sleuth" is a weired word (especially when you're not sure you've spelled it right)...maybe i should take Spelling 101
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